******************************************************************************* * M E G A P A I N T I I P C - S H A R E W A R E TXT V 1.10UK * ******************************************************************************* THIS README-FILE: READMEUK.TXT is only valid for the region of the UNITED KINGDOM! Welcome to the newest shareware from TommySoftware in Berlin, West Germany! We think that this is one of the most powerful graphics-application which was ever released as shareware! MegaPaint II PC offers a wide range of capabilities like: full-screen-editing, overviews, large-images and a free programable pop-up-menu. MegaPaint II PC requires 510 KB free RAM. It is configured to VGA-cards. Before you start the application please run your mouse-driver. If you want to use another resolution (SVGA, EGA or HERCULES) please copy the corresponding file in the folder GR_TRB over the file MEGA.GTR and re- start MegaPaint II PC. You may copy MegaPaint II PC freely - this includes copyservices; but it is not allowed to copy this stuff without this READMEUK.TXT - file and you should not alter the content of the disc(s). It is not allowed to sell the software - but copyservices may take a fee until £ 10.- for their work. You may own this stuff for a time-period of up to 4 weeks to test it for usability - after that time we please you to become a registred user. Registration ============ Please become registrated by using (and only!) using the form printed below. If you are registred you will be informed automatically about new versions of MegaPaint II PC - and of course you will help us to lower Another benefit you will get is a printed manual (available in english) which you only can get this way! Remark: Owners of this shareware have the possibility to order our newest MEGAPAINT for Windows at a reduced price - see below! And one small remark: Shareware lives from your loyalty - if and only if enough customers become registred users shareware will survive - so: it's up to you! And now - have fun with the new MegaPaint II PC - Shareware!! Best regards TommySoftware HQ Shareware-Dept. Selchower Strasse 32 W-1000 Berlin 44 Germany Fax.: ++49 30 621 40 64 CompuServe E-Mail: 100020,3647 (Orders can't be taken by CompuServe E-Mail!) Remarks: The TommySoftware-Logo and the word "MegaPaint" are registred trademarks of TommySoftware, Berlin. The release of the product "MegaPaint II PC" does not mean that we don't continue to hold and use - perhaps in other products - the above mentioned trademarks! Therefore the trademarks are not for free use. - PLEASE CUT HERE- Registrationformular ==================== To TommySoftware Shareware Dept. Selchower Strasse 32 W-1000 Berlin 44 West Germany I, ----------------------------------- (Name) ----------------------------------- (Street) ----------------------------------- (Country, ZIP, Town) will become a registered user of MegaPaint II PC. The registration fee is £ 39.95 and includes a printed manual in a box. Please add £ 9.95 for shipment. ( ) Yes, I want support! The fee for support is £ 14.95. SPECIAL OFFER: ( ) Yes, I want to buy MEGAPAINT for Windows. The price is £ 129.95. It includes: a printed manual in a box and dualmedia diskettes. If you order MEGAPAINT for Windows the registration of MEGAPAINT II PC is free! Please add £ 9.95 for shipment. Remark: MEGAPAINT for Windows is NO shareware!! ( ) Please send me more information about your Windows-applications. I pay by ( ) Cash ( ) Eurocard/Mastercard: Number: /____/____/____/____ good thru: __/9_ ( ) Visacard : Number: /____/____/____/____ good thru: __/9_ Please understand, that we can't take cheques - it would cost us around £ 15.- to draw one - and we think that this is to expensive! IMPORTANT: We require you to sign this form! _______________, dated __/___/19__ ________________________ (Place) DD MMM YY (Your sign)